Sunday, November 8, 2009

What begins as an assignment

Okay, here I am. Now what? Is this where I say, “Are you there, world? It’s me, Megan.” Or do I just greet the people? Either way—Hello world, it’s Megan. And, welcome.

Double majoring in journalism and communications and finding myself in my fifteenth year of schooling (really, 15?!), I have many times said, “I wish I could just write about topics I want to write about.” And, here it is—a class-required blog that tells me to do just that.

How does that saying go? Be careful what you wish for?

In a day where print seems to be quickly leaving us, and the cyber world welcomes us with open arms, I am excited to explore this new medium. It is starting as an assignment for a Critical/Editorial journalism class. I will see where it ends up taking me.

Personally, I hope to continue the blog because I have found writing to be a method of self-awareness and constancy—two things everyone needs in life. With professional aspirations of writing, I hope to continue the blog because I grew up hearing, “You’re only the best at the things you do the most.” Thanks, Dad.

Here embarks an indefinite journey.
Today’s verdict: Dads, though often quirky, sometimes give the best advice.

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